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Ohio Art 1984 Dealer Catalog
I'm pretty sure that I was more creative when I was little. In fact, I suspect most of us could make that claim with both certainty, and a hint of sadness. I had set up an entire Pet Store, that my dad encourage me to do of course, by way of learning some aspects of business at a very young age. All my stuffed animals were stocked in different pens, like a (super exotic) real store, and my dad would be the customer. I even had a whole set of neat cash registers and piles of real money! Well, flipping through this Ohio Art catalog I was delighted to find one of my very favorite registers from the Pet Store - go 1984! The Greatest Year! Click through the cover image below to check out this catalog for yourself - no action figures, but maybe a few fun surprises none the less. For those keeping score at home, it was the model #1550 - Petite Tom Thumb Chrome Cash Register. Posted by charlie on January 26th 2012, 02:32 AM Leave Comment Share |