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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Toys Released Today
It seems that Hasbro has decided to step up the official release date of the toy line to accompany the second live action opus directed by film genius Michael Bay. Target stores have received word that they may release the figures effective immediately and signs have been spotted at Walmart stores across the country that their release of the line will happen as early as this weekend! If you are into collecting this line, which does feature a number of classic G1 character names re-imagined in contemporary hyper-complex robot form, then you'll want to get on down to your local mega-mart and start fighting over them. The Superion gift set, which is a most excellent Target exclusive though just a straight repackage of the 'Universe' version, has also been sighted; this one may well be worth the time if you missed it before, and also might dry up quickly depending on price. Happy Hunting! In other Transformers related news, today marks the first day of Botcon in Pasadena. The Uncle is on hand personally, and we will hopefully receive some images and reports from him shortly! Posted by charlie on May 29th 2009, 08:18 PM Leave Comment Share |