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Sega Master System - Ghouls 'n Ghosts Euro
Here's something that I don't think I've done before - getting the Euro version of a Sega Master System game posted along with the U.S. version so you can see the similarities and differences! Interestingly, the instruction manual for my 6-language Euro copy is short and all in English, but when I compared it to the English book that came with my single-language U.S. version they are vastly different! I'm sure you can spot plenty more differences - and another long-owned game finally reaches the digital shores of the Preserve! Only...hundreds to go. Indossate dunque la vostra armatura, prendete le armi e (e)sterminate Loki e le sue abominevoli crature! Posted by charlie on January 20th 2012, 10:58 AM Leave Comment Share |