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eBay Watch - Ghostbusters Score
I have a standing search for the Ghostbusters original score on CD. Not the soundtrack, mind you, but the incidental music which really ties a movie together, in particular this one. That CD was to play a pivotal role in my dramatic re-enactment of the entire film, by my self, but it is one of many projects that are simmering quietly on the backest of back burners. Patiently waiting for my act, and it getting together. Interestingly enough, the CD of the score is tremendously expensive, commonly fetching upwards of $100 for the chance to hope it makes it through the mail unscratched. I applaud the collectors who are willing to pony up that amount for what I imagine is not that difficult to find on line (though I also have not tried!) The value of my standing search today, however, is finding this beautiful copy of the sheet music of the original score. I should probably have bought this before posting it, though I have a suspicion that I assign somewhat unrealistic value to a number of things in this world. So be it! Here is a cool thing, that we may enjoy it together! Posted by charlie on April 24th 2012, 09:35 PM Leave Comment Share |