Bomber Raid
Game Data
Who has Mach-6 speed, helabad weapons, and a love for wastin' dweebs in tanks? You do.
It's the gnarliest fighter-bomber game ever. So hot it feels like a coin-op. Why? Two-mega power means we cram
a lot more game in the cartridge. So you get more action for your money.
- Collect weapons to build up your firepower. Then send a missile up his tailpipe,
- Dive in close to pepper the deck with cluster bombs.
- Killer explosions. Incredible graphics. Cool sound effects. Hundreds of screens of dogfight mania.
- These guys aren't wussies. They have planes, tanks, rockets, air mines, missiles, cannons, and a lot more.
A Two-Mega Cartridge
For play on the SEGA Master System.
Bar Code: 0 47875 15003 4
© 1988 SEGA. Bomber Raid is a trademark of Sega of America, Inc. SEGA is a trademark of Sega Enterprises, Ltd.
Package and documentation © 1988 Activision. Covered by limited warranty. Details enclosed. Activision
P.O. Box 3048 Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Distributed by MEDIAGENIC