Game Data
It's a hot hit straight from the arcades to your Sega System! Team up with a friend
and join a battle that crosses time and space. The evil space tyrant Gylend has
attacked Earth and turned five of your friends into energy balls. As the leader
of the Earth Command Troopers, your job is to track your friends down and get them
back. The problem is, Gylend has scattered them across time in different parts
of Earth's history.
You have the D-Scanner...a device that can guide you through the river of time! You
have shouldder-mounted cannons and access to even more powerful weapons. But
Gylend has the might of the creatures of history turned against you! From cavemen
to armored attack craft, all will fight you with everything they have.
If you succeed in rescuing your friends, you will face the fiercest battle of all...
Gylend. Only you stand between Earth and total defeat!
Media size: Sega Cart
Players: 1 or 2
Peripherals: Sega Control Pad or Control Stick
Now, there are no limits.
Rounds: 18
Bar Code: 0 10086 07024 8
Product Code: 7024
Additional Code: 461443>br />
Sega Customer Service, 573 Forbes Blvd., South San Francisco, CA 94080
Distributed by Tonka Corp.
© 1989 Tonka Corp. All Rights Reserved.
Time Soldiers © 1988 Alpha. Reprogrammed game © 1989 Sega.
Control Pad and Control Stick are trademarks of Sega of America, Inc. SEGA is a
trademark of Sega Enterprises, Ltd., CSK Group Company.
Made in Japan