Toys R Us Exclusive, 5-Pack figure set.
Set Information:
The COBRA legions are made up of many subgroups with their own focused purposes and specialties.
The COBRA NIGHT WATCH group includes regular infantry forces and officers who have been trained in the use of advanced
weaponry. They can be sent in on their own to sabotage or destroy, or they can be "seeded" into the regular troopers,
giving the enemy a false idea of their threat level. They're equipped with airburst-firing superguns, oxygen-iodine
lasers, and computer-enhanced machine guns and marksman rifles.
File Card:
Cobra Night Watch Officer
Code Name: The Enemy
File Name: Unknown
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Artillery, Intelligence
Birthplace: Various Countries
Grade: O-4 (or equivalent)
COBRA officers are front-line fighters who lead COBRA attack units into battle. Many are also believed to be
operating as spies at defense plants, nuclear power facilities, etc. All are martial arts experts and masters of
disguise, deceit, and demolitions. Qualified Expert: AK-47 Assault Rifle; PM-63 Machine Pistol; M-16; Ingram M-11;
Sub-machine gun.
"COBRA Officers are dedicated to destroying G.I. Joe and the American way of life. Beware...they are extremely
dangerous enemies!"
File Card:
Cobra Night Watch Trooper
Code Name: The Enemy
File Name: Unknown
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Sabotage
Birthplace: Various Countries
Grade: E-4 (or equivalent)
One of the nameless, faceless legions of COBRA Command. Each COBRA trooper is highly skilled in the use of
explosives, all NATO and Warsaw Pact small arms, sabotage, and the martial arts. Qualified expert: Skorpion
(VZOR61); Machine Pistol; Dragunov (SVD) Sniper's Rifles, Uzi Submachine Gun; M-16.
"COBRA troopers swear absolute loyalty to their fanatical leader...COBRA COMMANDER. Their goal...to conquor
the world for their own evil purpose!"
Legal Info: Some poses may require hand support. © 2007 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA, All
Rights Reserved. TM & (R) denote U.S.Trademarks. Hasbro Canada, Longueuil, QC, Canada J4G 1G2. Made in China. C-001D
Characters and events referenced herein are fictional and are not intended to depict actual characters and events.
Original Price: $24.99 at Toys R Us
Bar Code: 6 53569 32538 3
Model No: 65376/65374 ASST
Stamp: 80082
P/N 6770050200