
Indiana Jones with Sub-Machine Gun, basic class figure from the new 2008 Hasbro Indiana Jones line.
Toy Data
Movie: Last Crusade
Artifact Crate #: 9832159
At Castle Brunwald, a German-army intelligence base, Indiana Jones
crashes through a window to rescue his father, Henry Jones. When three
German soldiers discover Indy's presence, they threaten the Joneses with a
machine gun, demanding the missing Grail diary. Despite being outnumbered,
Indy overpowers the officer, using the officer's own machine gun to eliminate
him and his two men.
Barcode: 6 53569 31614 5
Stamp: 81567
ASST. 40661/40070
PN 6739031800 (card back)
PN 6759151800 (insert)
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