
August Figure (2011) from the online exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics collection.
Year of Release: 2011
Month of Release: August
Original Price: $40.00
Collector Notes:
- This figure was only available from mattycollector.com.
- Megator sold out in just about 4 days.
Evil Giant Destroyer
Real Name: Moleb the Demolisher
An Eternian giant in service to Hordak, Megator lead Hordak's troops in battle during
the Great Wars. He was recruited to help bolster the Horde's ranks after Tytus and
several other giants from the Mountains of Perpetua allied themselves with King
Grayskull. Megator was killed during the First Ultimate Battleground, caught in the
iron jaws of Central Tower when the Three Towers were enchanted to sink into Sub-ternia.
His remains were discovered millennia later by King Hssss who magically reanimated him into
a mindless zombie. He served King Hssss and fought against Hordak and the Masters of the Universe
in the Second Ultimate Battleground - once again dying on the battlefield.
Mattycollector.com text copy:
He's already died in battle twice, but he's back for more... and we've got him!
Originally released in 1987 overseas only, this former servant to the evil King Hssss
has returned as a fully articulated figure ready to wreck havoc! This 12" beast is just
begging to bludgeon someone using his vintage mace (with a real metal chain!). Megator
also arrives with a special accessory that allows you to transform him between eras, but you'll have
to face him down and open the box to reveal that secret. You're not afraid of a lil' ol'
Evil Giant Destroyer, are you?
Contents: 1 Figure with Accessory.
Bar Code: 0 27084 91846 5
Model No: T5811
Stamp: 1311OB (on both outer white box and figure package)
MADE IN CHINA. Mattel Canada Inc. Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2.
Each sold separately, subject to availability.
Some figures may no longer be available. Colors and decorations may vary.
© 2011 Mattel, Inc. MADE IN CHINA, Manufactured for Mattel. All Rights Reserved. MATTEL, HE-MAN, MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE
and associated trademarks are owned by Mattel, Inc. Consumer Relations - Mattel, Inc., 636 Girard Avenue, East Aurora NY 14052 U.S.A.
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