
Celebrating 30 years of A Real American Hero
Cobra Trooper: The Enemy - 30 for 30 figure.
Code Name:
Cobra Trooper: The Enemy
Name: N / A
Birthplace: Various Countries
Primary Weapon: MR-SCI Precision rifle - standard COBRA issue
Combat Gear:
Helmet, assault rifle, tactical knife, pistol, silencer, rocket-propelled grenade launcher, barbed wire
Bio: One of the nameless, faceless legions of the COBRA organization. Each COBRA trooper is highly skilled
in the use of explosives, infantry weapons, sabotage and the martial arts. They swear absolute loyalty to their
leader, COBRA COMMANDER. Their goal is to conquer the world for their own own evil purposes.
Bar Code: 6 53569 64622 8
Asst.: 35811 / 24732
Stamp: 11331
PN: 7182630300 / 7182640300
Some poses may require hand support. Product and colors may vary. Retain this package for future reference. © 2011
Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. All rights reserved. TM & ® denote U.S. Trademarks. C-001D
Hasbro Canada, Longueuil, QC, Canada J4G 1G2. MADE IN CHINA. Fabriqué en Chine.