
From the sixth wave of the new GI Joe Modern Era carded figures.
Sub-Group: From the new G.I. Joe animation!
File Card:
FILE NAME: Classified
SECONDARY MILITARY SPECIALTY: Ordinance (Experimental Weaponry)
BIRTHPLACE: Classified
GRADE: Commander-in-Chief
COBRA COMMANDER has always believed that vast wealth will give him his greatest desire: limitless power. But
lately, he has come to realize that he must first achieve complete control over every nation on Earth. Once he
holds the world in his fist, the money will be his to enjoy. He used technological sabotage to bring the
world to its knees, and demanded that every country turn over control to him. His hunger for power and
wealth have utterly corrupted him, to the point where he will easily obliterate cities without even a
twitch of remorse.
"Do not move against me. Do not disobey me. Do as I command and you will receive unimaginable rewards."
Legal Info: Some poses may require hand support. Product and colors may vary. Retain this package
for future reference. © 2008 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA, All
Rights Reserved. TM & ® denote U.S.Trademarks. Hasbro Canada, Longueuil, QC, Canada J4G 1G2. Made in China. C-001D
Characters and events referenced herein are fictional and are not intended to depict actual characters and events.
Original Price: $7.99 (hasbrotoyshop.com)
Bar Code: 6 53569 37102 1
Model No: 78827/63403 ASST
Stamp: 82801
P/N 6661930T00