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Journal Archives from April 2010
Sega Master System - Sports Pad Football

Ah, the Sports Pad. A peripheral for the Sega Master System that I haven't quite gotten around to adding to the Preserve. I've mentioned a few times that I didn't grow up with this system so my entire nearly complete library has been a recent (last 10 years - oof!) effort that has yet to be totally complete. I have, however, managed to pick up a pretty good example of one of the very only games to make use of said Pad, Sports Pad Football! Click the image for more details on this title...The outcome of the game is in your hands!

Posted by charlie on April 30th 2010, 08:59 AM
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Transformers Q&A - Due This Monday!

HasbroIt's time again for us to put some questions to the Hasbro Transformers team and see what there is to learn! Send in your questions, I'll choose the top two, and off they will go. We had some great luck last session with the scoop of Blurr coming up as a repaint of Drift, so let's see if we can do it again. Questions are to do me by Sunday night so I have time to send them off to the Tf team.

Keep in mind that we're much more likely to get answers to questions that aren't specifically about manufacturing, money or specific details about upcoming unannounced products or TV initiatives. Of course, we might always get lucky!
Posted by charlie on April 29th 2010, 01:45 PM
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TurboGrafx-16: Super Star Soldier

It's time for more vintage gaming goodness, so let's take a look at Super Star Soldier for the TurboGrafx-16 system! Made by Hudson Soft in 1990, you are Starbuck! You fly the mighty Neo-Caesar! Against Mother Brain! (I think Nintendo shoulda sued somebody!) You've just gotta love it - click the image below for more shots of the physical presentation of this great game!

Posted by charlie on April 28th 2010, 08:31 PM
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Molten Monkey International Debuting New Original Toy License
Molten Monkey International Debuting New Original Toy License
Press Release: I have a press release today about a brand new toy line from a company called Molton Monkey LLC. The players in this group have some amazing experience, so you've got to click the link to learn more about their new action figures!  Read More
Posted by charlie on April 27th 2010, 05:29 PM
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Sega Master System - Psycho Fox

Now that the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line is all but put to rest, I feel that it is high time to return back to the business of wading through some of the classic games littered around the Preserve. Today let's take a look at Psycho Fox from 1989 for the Sega Master System.

This is a mid-level game in terms of scarcity and price on the eBay-ish markets, and features classically bright and lively box art that I of course am drawn to immediately. Better yet, the text on the back of the box seems to directly reference and attack games on other platforms, mentioning "Mother Brain" in particular - zing! Well, click the image for more pics of this great SMS title, and to read the full box text.

I've also started taking pictures of every page of the instructions, which can be found at the end of the detailed item listing. Personally I enjoy such contextually-rich imagery more than a sterile (and cleraly easier to read!) scan - guess I'm just funny that way - enjoy!

Posted by charlie on April 26th 2010, 01:05 PM
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Action League Blue Beetle

Well, it seems to be a Brave and Bold weekend, as I finish off Sunday with the single packaged Action League Blue Beetle from the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line. These single packs have been very hard for me to find - I guess they often turn up in dollar stores and other franchises of that style, but they have been entirely absent in the few that I've so far checked. At least the online shopping experience that is ended up having a few lying around, filling in a few more crucial spots on the checklist. Click the image below for our first single pack Action League figure that has made it to the Preserve archives!

Posted by charlie on April 25th 2010, 08:58 PM
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Attack Copter with Batman

The last sets in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold set are proving hard to find, but it does seem that the actual Mattel site has a few of the hard-to-find sets in stock and ready to ship! It's interesting that so many shoppers still have an ebay hangup, paying more for a winning bid than you could pay with shipping from the Big-M itself! Well, click the image below of the bright and enticing Attack Copter with Batman set below - great that they got another Metal Man into the set!

Posted by charlie on April 24th 2010, 09:36 PM
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William Shatner and Lin Yu Chun Eclipse Your Heart

Thanks are due to Rob Bricken and his Topless Robot for alerting us all to the existence of this amazing video. Sail into the end of the work week and onward to the weekend on this cloud of simultaneous insanity and peace, as ultimate Preserve favorite William Shatner sings a duet with recent sensation Lin Yu Chun.

Posted by charlie on April 23rd 2010, 01:40 PM
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Transformers Universe - Insecticons Commemorative Set

Looking at that beautiful picture of Perceptor from yesterday, it's really impossible not to follow it up with a nod to the other half of that Toys R Us Exclusive release, the Insecticons 3-pack! Strangely enough, I remember back in the early 90s when news groups were all the rage on the Internet, the Transformers Newsgroup was very active and a very exciting way for fans to finally connect with each other from around the world! Somehow, back around that time, a huge amount of mint boxed G1 Insecticons - and I mean Kickback, Bombshell and Shrapnel, not those 'deluxe' guys, mind you - somehow came to light and could be had for a low price, a decade after their initial release! Well, interestingly that sort of depressed the price and collectability of those three figures for a number of years...maybe still to this day, but this commemorative set is simply beautiful! I have to give a big Tip of my Hat to Hasbro for this one, and also to TRU for taking a chance on these amazing exclusives! I do worry that you can still find these in stores months after their release, so do your duty and pick up this great set so we can maybe see a few more in 2011!

Posted by charlie on April 22nd 2010, 09:36 PM
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Transformers Universe - Perceptor Commemorative Edition

While I do have at least three of the original Perceptor figures in the archives, two of which are boxed, I have to give great credit to the Toys R Us Exclusive 'Commemorative Edition' figures that were released in October 2009. Made from the classic molds, and packaged in solid, bright and well designed display boxes, the Perceptor and Insecticon sets are actually worth the $35 tag. Click the image below for some more angles and the bio and stats of this brilliant Autobot scientist - there should still be a few left at your local TRU if you hurry!

Posted by charlie on April 21st 2010, 07:15 PM
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DC Universe Classics - Black Manta

After posting Aquaman yesterday, it seems only right that I give some coverage to his arch-enemy Black Manta! He is one bad dude for sure, killed Aquaman's son, and sold his soul to the demon Neron for additional Robert Johnson level powers! (but used for evil!) Click the image below to check out this fantastic figure and his full bio and stats.

Posted by charlie on April 20th 2010, 08:32 PM
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DC Universe Classics - Aquaman Wave 2

I realized that the second wave of DC Universe Classics, that came out over 2 years ago in March 2008, were sitting in a heap in the spare room and had still never been added to the Preserve! Well, I'm taking care of that tonight, so wanted to feature the Modern (mullet) version of Aquaman! Click the image below for the bio of the defender of the seven seas, and be sure to check out other figures from this excellent second wave of the still-going-strong toy line. Now if only I could find that pesky Harley Quinn!

Posted by charlie on April 19th 2010, 08:19 PM
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Hasbro's Transformers Hall of Fame - Vote Until April 22nd

A reminder that we will be sending Hasbro our list of the top 5 Transformers to include in their new Hall of Fame, as voted by our readers! The voting will need to stop at the end of the day on April 22nd so that we can send them our final tally the next day. Here's a look at the results so far!
  1. Optimus Prime
  2. Arcee
  3. Kup
  4. Grimlock
  5. Soundwave
A distinctly interesting Preserve list, huh? Be sure to vote, and then we'll see how all of the votes add up between the other sites, and what decisions Hasbro ends up making!
Posted by charlie on April 18th 2010, 07:29 PM
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A Note On Alex Winter...Esq

There are actors who know that they will forever be remembered for one very specific role, and try as they might, or whatever else they may be involved with for the rest of their full and rich careers, their household memory will always be one very specific thing - which I suppose is better than nothing! One need only look at Preserve favorite Kirk Thatcher, who personally acknowledges that he'll go to his grave as 'Punk on Bus' from Star Trek IV - and we love him for it.

What puts me in mind of this today? Well, it is time to post the last figure in our Bill and Ted set (until I find Mister-The-Kid at least) which means that it is time for Bill S. Preston, Esq...also known as Alex Winter. Of this pair of most excellent rockers, how is it possible that Ted went on to super-stardom, and other than some Vampire action (two years earlier!) little was seen of Alex Winter again? Well, the luck of the draw (and perhaps a good agent) - but it's worth knowing that Alex has been very busy since his character became a household name, but behind the scenes and in the director's chair. He's met with critical success in directing commercials and music videos in the US and in the UK and was the force behind the critically acclaimed but perhaps little known comedy Freaked. Check out his imdb page to learn more about this most triumphant gentleman, and then click the image below for a gallery of his tribute from Kenner. Be excellent to each other - and...Party On Dudes!

Posted by charlie on April 17th 2010, 08:11 PM
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Mattel Announces San Diego Exclusives

This week, Mattel had two spots on G4's Attack of the Show where comic expert and all around cool-dudette Blair Butler met with toy guru himself, Scott Neitlich to discuss the raftload of exclusive sets they will be bringing with them to San Diego Comic Con this year. I didn't bother with the bits-and-pieces of news, but now as promised they have posted a great roundup of all the new announcements over on Fortunately for those of us who can't make it across the country for the privilege to stand in line for 5 hours, most of the exclusives will be "available" on!
Posted by charlie on April 16th 2010, 08:33 PM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Lex Luthor vs. Skeletor

The Toys R Us Exclusive MotUC figures....the only two pieces of this line (yet!) to make it to general retail, were as the wording implies, a set. Therefore, I feel remiss in omitting the coverage of the Skeletor pack since He-Man vs. Superman had its day in the sun. Well, that day has come (6 days later) and let's take a look at a (perhaps a bit forced but still awesome) 2-pack of Lex Luthor vs. Skeletor! This reminds me of having a sleep over when I was 8, when you would pose the eternal question 'who would win?!' Well, who would? Let me know!

Posted by charlie on April 15th 2010, 08:26 PM
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Lego Brickmaster Set 20014 - Creator 4x4

Due to my annual forgetting to renew my Lego Brickmaster membership thanks to the rigors of Toy Fair, my March/April set got here a little late, but at least it arrived! Check out the new Members only 4x4 Lego Creator set by clicking the link below, and consider joining the great Lego Brickmaster club yourself!

Lego Brickmaster 20014

Posted by charlie on April 14th 2010, 09:09 PM
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Reactors: Retriever-RR1

Let's step back 21 years to the very end of the '80s, the bold and still awesome year of 1989. Nasta was making their final stand with their Reactors line, which is one of the little known lines that I re-discovered in the archives. The Retriever-RR1, the largest of the Reactors vehicles, is designed to retrieve other team members and bring them back to base. It makes use of the mind-blowing 'power rod' technology like all other sets, and strikes an impressive pose! There are 10 parts to this series, mostly split evenly between the Speed, Power and Function categories but this one stands alone. If only Nasta had been able to sell more of these, just imagine what else we would have seen in the Retriever line! Click the image for more shots, and the small functional bio.

Posted by charlie on April 13th 2010, 06:15 PM
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Masters of the Universe Movie is Still a Go

According to a report on Sunday by /Film, Columbia Pictures has hired the two guys who wrote the upcoming Predators movie to write the new exploits of Prince Adam and Skeletor. Their article contains some more pertinent information, as well as an unfortuante dig against the 1987 Dolph masterpiece so go check it out.

The mind begins to instantly reel thinking about what Mattel hopefully has planned for this blockbuster event. Will we finally see the MotUClassics escape their prison? Will we have new playsets, new exclusives, and new show-biz tie-ins the likes of which we've only been seeing with Hasbro's big properties lately? Time will tell!

Posted by charlie on April 12th 2010, 08:20 AM
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M.A.S.K. Live Action Movie

I am about two years late to the party of this amazing fake trailer for a live action M.A.S.K. movie but I figure that if I missed it the first time around some of you probably did too. With all of the energy, time and money going into the G.I. Joe and Transformers franchises, wouldn't it be nice to see the same treatment for Trakker and his crew?

Posted by charlie on April 11th 2010, 05:47 PM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Superman vs. He-Man

Anyone who has been paying enough attention has seen our coverage of the Toys R Us exclusive Masters of the Universe Classics Superman vs. He-Man set. Well it has finally been added to the Preserve archives so you can click the image below to see the set that pits these two heroes against each other. What other character could make Superman fear for his life? Simply awesome - click the image to see the bios and some more images!

Posted by charlie on April 9th 2010, 09:04 PM
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Batman - The Brave and the Bold: Owlman & Blue Bowman

The Action League scale in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line is proving to be the most popular part of the least I'm seeing a number of strange repaints pop up on eBay and there were a few as-yet-unreleased Blue Beetle figures on display at Toy Fair this year. Given all that, even sets that have supposedly hit retail are in high demand, one of them being the Owlman & Blue Bowman 2-pack. I've only seen it the one time in-store and snagged it, and it seems to be fetching a premium in the secondary market. As new basic-scale figures still refuse to surface in this line, and the new Metal Men vehicle sets are as good as invisible, these Action League 2-packs are your best bet for some still-tricky finds at the tail end of this fun line.

Posted by charlie on April 8th 2010, 09:09 PM
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G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra - RHINO Exclusive

I'm a little behind the times on letting everyone know about the killer clearance that Target had on their exclusive RHINO set about a month back, but I think it's possible that there are still a few 75% (and maybe even 90% off!) sets around given the number that seemed to be chilling in each store. I managed to snag a set for the Preserve at a substantial discount, making it worthwhile picking up this non-new set in the movie package (since I didn't have it from before either).

In terms of current sales, though, be sure to keep an eye on the Joe section as Target is blowing out their remaining 3 3/4" and 12" figures at rock bottom prices this week. Hasbro seems to get in these funks with G.I. Joe and Transformers where there is a planned months-long gap while customers and stores wait for new product, and we're right in one of those gaps. I wonder if Target will drop the pegs all together, like WalMart is doing, until the Pursuit of Cobra starts up in August of this year. Time will tell, but in the meantime maybe $6.99 is an ok price for that 12" Cobra Commander...and remember, according to our very own Q&A they aren't doing that scale going forward, so get them while you can!

Posted by charlie on April 7th 2010, 09:09 PM
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Masters of the Universe Classics - Moss Man

Before Mattel hits us with the April sale, I figured it would be nice to catch up with the Masters of the Universe Classics collection, with the highly elusive Moss Man! It's a good thing that I'm a Club Eternia subscriber because I totally screwed up my order on the day-of (when trying to get the super-highly-elusive flocked-ear version). Thankfully, doctorkent is faster on the draw than me, and has sent pics of the flocking which round out the detail page for the pine-scented warrior! Click the image below for more shots of both versions of Kreann'Ot N'Horosh and enjoy his detailed bio. I had, for a time, considered hanging him from my car's rear view mirror, but have been warned by the good doctor that this stench of pine is not to be taken lightly!

Also of note is that last month saw the re-release of Stratos, the only figure that I'd missed originally. Now, at long last the checklist is up to date through March.

Posted by charlie on April 6th 2010, 07:53 PM
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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - Grim Reaper

You'll definitely want to go best 2 out of 3 with this excellent Grim Reaper figure from the Bill and Ted line. Fun fact: the actor who was the battleship-and-upright-bass-playing Reaper with the Mysterious Accent in 1991's Bogus Journey (William Sadler) was the gritty bad guy from Die Hard 2 the very year before! There's some range! Click the image below to check out the great color scheme on the Reaper, and his killer metal axe!

"You might be a King or a little street sweeper
but sooner or later you dance with the Reaper...Hahaha!
Get down with your bad selves! (!)"

Posted by charlie on April 5th 2010, 09:41 PM
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Batman - The Brave and the Bold: B'Wana Beast

I've just about finished filling in all of the holes in the Batman - The Brave and the Bold checklist, and now it comes down to keeping track of the several figures that were shown off at Toy Fair way back in 2009 that appear to have been scrapped from retail release. One of those few figures is the non-action-league B'Wana Beast. See the pic from Toy Fair 2009 below...

...and then click on the un-painted prototype that I've just received from an eBay seller in China! I have to imagine that this is one of the few in-hand samples of this figure in the states, and I'm delighted to be able to add it to the Preserve archive.

Posted by charlie on April 4th 2010, 07:51 PM
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G.I. Joe - Rise of Cobra: Cobra Viper Commando with Serpernt Armor

Hotly anticipated by vintage enthusiasts and proving at least a little tricky to find on Target shelves, today let's take a look at the Cobra Viper Commando with his Serpent Armor!

Based off of the 1983 SNAKE armor, it's really fantastic to see these vintage pieces managing to sneak their way back into our hearts and minds. We were all so worried when Hasbro told us that the movie line would be the only line for 2009, but we should have never feared - they planned to do right by us all along!
Posted by charlie on April 3rd 2010, 06:33 AM
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Transformers Generations - Drift

Given the excellent answer that Hasbro provided to our recent Q&A - that we can expect to see Blurr as a repaint of Drift - I felt I should provide a little pictorial support of the Drift figure himself. Click any of our images below for a quite-large version that hopefully lets you see a few extra details. For even more Hasbro-related goodness, you can Click Here for other images from their great tour at Toy Fair.

Posted by charlie on April 2nd 2010, 07:36 AM
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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - Abe Lincoln

Continuing on our righteous road of Bill & Ted gallery completion, today let's take a look at Abe Lincoln! The 16th President of the United States comes with his most presidential-like keyboard and a hairstyle that leaves no doubt as to his rockin' ways! This answers the age-old question of what he was hiding under that hat. He put it best himself when he said "Be excellent to each other. And... PARTY ON, DUDES!"

Posted by charlie on April 2nd 2010, 07:18 AM
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G.I Joe Rise of Cobra - Duke vs. Cobra Commander Combat Heroes

Ok, perhaps one of the less flattering sets in the Rise of Cobra Combat Heroes range, owing mostly to the controversial design of the Commander, but this was the last piece to add to the archives for this sub-line so I'm excited anyhow. I also managed to pick this particular one up in a Toronto Toys R Us several weeks before the figures were to hit US shelves, so it was admittedly fun to get an early look at the figures - and I always have a weakness for multi-lang cardbacks! Click the image below for a look at these two figures (as if you haven't seen them hanging out on your store pegs protecting the dust) and revel in the crowded cardback with oh-so-many languages and pictures.

Posted by charlie on April 2nd 2010, 06:38 AM
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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - The Circle K

I'm afraid I may have a new fascination, which is using the increasingly insanely content rich Google Maps Street View to track down visuals of far distant movie filming locations. In particular, here is Bill & Ted's Circle K! Thanks to wikipedia for suggesting that the actual shooting location was at the intersection of Southern and Hardy in Tempe, Arizona...and low and behold Google says that it may be so!
Posted by charlie on April 1st 2010, 05:42 PM
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Toy Fair Catalogs

Toy Catalogs
Hobby Catalogs

Hobby Catalogs
Magazine Archive

Magazine Archive
Featured Toy Lines

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Air Raiders

Masters of the Universe Classics

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Nasta Reactors

DC Universe Classics

Indiana Jones by Hasbro

New Additions
Play Meter Magazine: April 15, 1985
Play Meter Magazine
April 15, 1985
Yahoo! Internet Life: August, 2001
Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine
August, 2001
The Pinball Trader: July, 1986
The Pinball Trader
July, 1986
IEEE Internet Computing - July/August, 2005
IEEE Internet Computing
July/August, 2005
Science Activities - November, 1973
Science Activities
November, 1973
NASA Station Break Newsletter: June, 1991
NASA Station Break Newsletter
June, 1991
Countdown Magazine: December, 1990
Countdown Magazine
December, 1990
The Bisquick Banner: March/April, 1984
The Bisquick Banner
March/April, 1984
NASA Activities Newsletter: September, 1983
NASA Activities Newsletter
September, 1983
Egon: w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking
w/ Symmetrical Book Stacking


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