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Journal Archives from August 2008
Voltron Patent Application

I recently discovered an intriguing patent application, titled Composite toy vehicle assembly. It sounded boring enough, but when I opened it up in the fantastic Google Patents application, what to my wondering eyes should appear but what seems to be the state-side patent for the 1985 Panosh Place Lion Voltron!

In fact, it appears to go further than just the Lion Voltron and try to patent the 'gestalt' combiner figure in general! I'm no patent expert, of course, we'll have to call on a friend of the Preserve who worked in the actual Patent Office for that one. Spurred by this discovery, I proceeded to hammer on Google Patents a little more for any Transformers, Hasbro or related patents, and came up largely empty handed. More research is required, but I wonder if companies have begun to restrict their patents from showing up (though I thought they were public domain). Perhaps I am searching incorrectly, but it certainly seems that at least a few products that we all love around here should turn up in their legal 2D forms. The search continues!
Posted by charlie on August 31st 2008, 09:22 AM
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GI Joe Modern Era - Snow Serpent

We have been distracted, and with good reason, by our waaay ongoing San Diego Comic Con coverage, with still a few awesome pictures left to share with all of the Preserve readers out there. This has come, however, at the price of falling behind with all of the other awesome new figures to hit the shelves in the last month or so! Today we want to at least catch up a little, and feature the Cobra Polar Assault specialist, the Snow Serpent!

This is yet another spectacular figure from this very strong wave 2 in the new Modern Era line of figures. Click the image above for a closer look at the sort of troop "...who would parachute onto an ice floe in sub-zero temperatures and then be prepared to march 50 miles with full field pack, assault rifle and anti-tank weapons."
Posted by charlie on August 30th 2008, 09:10 AM
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Press Release - Mezco The Spirit
Mezco - The Spirit
Press Release - Mezco shows off their new line of The Spirit figures to accompany the new movie slated for release in December 2008. Click through to see a larger picture of all five of the figures and to read the full release!  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 29th 2008, 12:07 AM
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SDCC - Sideshow Collectibles part 2

Let's wrap up our giant Sideshow Collectibles gallery from the SDCC, today featuring not only one, but in fact the second gallery of images from their massive booth. You get 86 per, so as not to overload the icon capacity of the human mind - Internet Aneurysm indeed! You can go right to the chopper, but I'll also feature a few of the images right here that I think came out well from the set. I seemed to have a good deal of flash trouble on their glass, so will try to do better next time!

I am always unabashedly delighted that The Tick is continuing to find so much representation in media, be it the (admittedly short lived) live action show with Brock Samson, the numerous figure lines, or the recent comic anthologies that have been coming out. Everyone needs more The Tick in their lives!

Sideshow clearly has a real crush on Hellboy, and with good reason because it's clear that they can make representations of that character that are mindblowingly great. Just check out the detail on that figure, but be careful since you'll probably want one afterwards.

Finally, let's not forget that Sideshow has made a prop-accurate amazing C-3PO figure, in 1:1 scale. Sure, it'll set you back $5,950 but if you have the means, I highly...yeah. Click that image for the super large pic - the figure deserves that level of detail! You can also find several close up shots in the full gallery.
Posted by charlie on August 28th 2008, 12:45 AM
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SDCC - Sideshow Collectibles

After having spurned most of the other major conventions this year, Sideshow Collectibles was at SDCC in force, with a mammoth booth and hundreds of products spread out for easy perusal in their open gallery. Check out the first of probably two large galleries by clicking their jolly nameplate.

We have about 200 shots of their excellent offerings, including the two members of their brand new GI Joe line. It was awesome to get to see Cobra Commander up close and personal - click through to the gallery for the first batch of photos, and click the image below for a larger look at the crazyeyes!

Posted by charlie on August 27th 2008, 09:44 AM
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Press Release - NECA AvPR Series 4
NECA - AvPR Series 4
Press Release - NECA shows us the first official images of their super sweet Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Series 4 figures. Click the link to see a few larger shots, and then visit their website for more info!  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 26th 2008, 08:13 AM
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GI Joe wave 12

All over the net people are linking to this new picture of the upcoming wave 12 of GI Joe Modern Era figures (I've made a copy so you can avoid the pop-up ads all over imageshack - you can see the original here). Adam over at points out that they are all repaints which as far as I'm concerned definitely shows a bad trend in this line, and that Hasbro is taking advantage of the popularity to really keep milking the collectors. That said, I think the repaints look pretty cool, and I am one of many who will no doubt add them to the collection - I'm part of the problem!

What I think is cool, and I haven't seen mentioned yet, is that two of the figures come with the final two elements for the MASS device! When the repackaged Cobra Commander came with the canister of pink crystals I was wondering what they intended. Then I got a hold of the DVD pack and realized that the canister exactly matched the empty ones on the base of the MASS Device, and was thrilled to realize that they would probably pack in the remaining two elements in future waves. Well, here we have them, and I think it's a fine way to make the repaints just a little bit more awesome.

Posted by charlie on August 25th 2008, 07:37 AM
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SDCC - Brutal

One of the guilty pleasures that I take from these conventions is the number of clever and well executed costumes that people put on parade and which fill the halls. I refuse to go to the actual 'fashion show' or whatever it's called which encourages people to show off their triumphs, I prefer instead to just keep a watchful eye and catch people in a more natural setting, and I think we did a pretty good job of it at this year's show! I'm going to put together a gallery highlighting the best of the costumes that we saw this year, once I slog though some more of the convention coverage in general - we're almost up to Saturday! Well, here then is another favorite costume group - I like to think that Toki had that bowl full of candy earlier that he was joyously giving out!

Yes, it's sad that Murderface and Pickles are missing, but I think these guys did a solid job of it, and I was thrilled to catch them on my harried way to the Hasbro Star Wars panel - brutal!
Posted by charlie on August 24th 2008, 04:55 PM
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Press Release - NECA Gears of war Series 2
NECA - Gears of War Series 2 in package
Press Release - NECA is showing off their new Gears of War series 2 figures in package today. Click the link to see a few more images, and then visit their site for even more!  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 23rd 2008, 07:03 PM
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SDCC - Hasbro Lucasfilm panel

We continue our slow trudge through the mass of content that was the San Diego Comic Con, today bringing you a fairly large gallery of the Hasbro 'Lucasfilm' panel. This basically was a chance for them to show off the new Star Wars and Indiana Jones figures that we'll be seeing on shelves for the holiday season, as well as a sneak peak into 2009.

Also cool was the bit of knowledge we learned about the Millennium Falcon. We all know that there is a fantastic new incarnation of this ship on the shelves, which is huge and beautiful. Well, on the panel was a gentleman with a gray beard and a big smile, and we learned that he is the original sculptor of the classic Falcon from 1979, and was tapped to create this latest piece as well! He spoke about it and was very excited to get to do all the things that a tight budget and limited technology didn't allow in the 70s, and he's really made a toy for the ages. Click on the image for the full gallery, which is huge - nearly 100 photos! I've added captions for nearly everything to assist your navigation.

You'll notice a distinct different in the number of slides for Star Wars vs. Indiana Jones, and the panel itself was hilarious as they ran short on time. While they had expected for it to be tight, as they weren't even given a full hour, they basically flipped through the Indy slides at about 3 seconds each, and it was a real test of reflexes to bring you those pictures! Sadly this seems to add fuel to growing speculation that the Indiana Jones line is not long for this world, both due to stock sitting at stores around the country, and the tepid replies by Hasbro in their Indy Q&A's. Grab the figures while you can, because it will almost certainly be a limited series.
Posted by charlie on August 22nd 2008, 09:53 AM
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Mezco Hellboy and Exclusives

The Mezco train keeps rolling! We finally finished building out the many awesome galleries to contain the literally hundreds of pictures we took at the Mezco Toyz booth during SDCC. Be sure to check out the main Mezco index, and here are a few highlights.

The 18" Hellboy figures are just awesome, and I hope to be able to add one to the Preserve. The sculpting, accessories and just overall detail are spot on.

The new Gomez figures at Mezco, which comes in a few flavors, sold out immediately at the show, and with good reason! They are super cool, and who doesn't want a martini drinking boombox toting mascot? Seriously - great stuff.
Posted by charlie on August 21st 2008, 08:32 AM
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Mezco - Living Dead Dolls

On the heels of the cool exclusive announcement by Mezco Toyz as seen here yesterday, now you can go check out their full line of Living Dead Dolls that they had on display at the San Diego Comic Con! Click the image to head over to the full gallery.

Their new series 16 was on display, along with several variations of those figures. I think my favorite thing in the whole case was probably one of the most basic and cheap items - the pencil topper. Check out the gallery and see what I mean!
Posted by charlie on August 20th 2008, 12:37 AM
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Press Release - Revoltech Enki and Project Gear
Revoltech - Project Gear
Press Release - Hot off the presses from Kaiyodo come two new Revoltech figures, and they really look sweet. Click the link to see more fantastic pics of #60 Revoltech Enki and #61 Revoltech Project Gear!  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 19th 2008, 10:12 AM
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Press Release - Living Dead Dolls 10th Anniv
Mezco - Living Dead Dolls Eggzorcist
Press Release - This just in from Mezco Toyz: in celebration of 10 years of their great Living Dead Dolls line, they have just released an Exclusive 10th Anniversary Eggzorcist doll! In a limited quantity of 666 pieces, this figure is available for pre-order now - click the link for the full release, or click here to buy your own!  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 19th 2008, 07:23 AM
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Toy Haul - Movie Masters Joker

It was with all intention to mind our own business this morning at Target, and hunt down some back to school specials on large clear plastic tubs to help store and organize all of the many articles of the Preserve, but it was not to be so! After vaguely keeping an eye out for the Dark Knight Movie Masters figures by the Four Horsemen, we were astonished to find the super rare Joker figure there on the pegs! Turns out of course that the new wave ships with the Joker so as to make it a little less rare, and eBay already tells the tale - I'm sure that's the only reason it was left unscalped at the late late hour of 9am! Nevertheless, it's a great figure, and we're glad to have it in the collection without eBay Antics. Not to be settled with that, the new (first) wave of Transformers Classics 2.0 Robot Heroes finally made it to this town, and of course joined the haul. These figures have been high on our list since we saw them way back in February at Toy Fair, and they look fantastic.

Collector Tip: There is apparently a packaging variant on the Sunstreaker vs. Galvatron set - the logos in the upper right corner are either Movie 2007 style, or will match the other Heroes on the shelf - watch for it!
Posted by charlie on August 19th 2008, 12:48 AM
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Press Release - NECA Gears of War
NECA - Gears of War Series 2
Press Release - NECA brings us the first look at their new Gears of War Series 2 figures in packaging. Click the link for a few larger images, and a link over to the NECA site with a bunch of additional information and images.  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 18th 2008, 09:37 PM
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SDCC - Mezco Toyz Warriors

One of the favorite modern day toy companies around the Preserve is Mezco Toyz, and they were in full effect at the SDCC as you would imagine! They had brought a ton of their great products with them to display, and our very own press contact Mike was slammed all day every day selling their summer exclusives as quickly as he could give angels wings with his register - great to see such solid business! We took a ton of shots of their product that they brought along, and will get things going with their collection from The Warriors! Click on the awesome Cyrus figure for the full gallery.

We're breaking their stuff into separate galleries because there was just so much of it, so watch for more sets of pictures featuring their Hellboy figures, Heroes, and more! Can you dig it....!!?
Posted by charlie on August 18th 2008, 12:46 AM
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SDCC - Lost Boys 2 panel

We mentioned it before in our convention coverage, but it is worth bringing up again this time with a gallery of photos - we were able to catch the world premiere of Lost Boys 2 (aka Lost Boys: The Tribe) complete with the Frog Brothers in attendance!

Click that picture to hop over to the full gallery, though I admit that most of it consists of photos of Corey Feldman with various versions of the same expression and pose, with and without sunglasses. The lack of sunglasses seems to be his transformation cue to Edgar Frog, all Mr. Hyde style - or actually that would probably be the Dr. Jekyl side. Well, enjoy!
Posted by charlie on August 17th 2008, 03:07 PM
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Press Release - NECA Gears of War
NECA: Gears of War Headshot Locust
Press Release - It's hard to keep from loving the 'Headshot Locust' figure from the new Gears of War line by NECA. There at every show that we've gone to this year, it just makes me smile at how over the top and awesome it is. Well, now we have a press release detailing the exclusives of this figure and the Lancer weapon - click the link to learn more!  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 16th 2008, 12:11 AM
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Press Release - Mezco, Leatherface
Mezco - Leatherface
Press Release - Next in line from their series of stylized horror icons, Mezco brings us Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. At 9" tall, it's a serious figure - click the link to see a larger pic.  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 15th 2008, 12:24 AM
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SDCC - GI Joe Movie Panel

One of the panels that we managed to attend at the convention discussed the upcoming G.I. Joe live action movie, as well as the impending G.I. Joe Resolute animated event. We were treated to a short promo clip from the animated show and it looks pretty serious. I probably will complain about it when I actually see it, due to various liberties and inconsistencies that will no doubt be contained therein, and the killing of characters will make me sad, but I suppose it's nice that the franchise is doing well enough to warrant such new explorations. The panel featured Larry Hama, who really had a lot of great Joe stuff to do during the show, as well as the screenwriter Stuart Beattie, and good ol' Lorenzo di Bonaventura as well as a host of other folks.

Sadly there was no footage from the new movie to be seen, but they had a series of still photos that we've basically all seen before. The writer of the piece seemed like a decent fellow, and he was enthusiastic about the action level of the new movie as well as being as faithful as possible to the characters we care so much about. Hopefully that will all prove to be true when it hits theaters next year. Click the image above to see the full gallery from the panel, along with all of the slides that were shown.
Posted by charlie on August 14th 2008, 12:00 AM
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Our San Diego Comic Con coverage continues to slowly roll in, today featuring pics from the Kingdom of Loathing booth! This is a great text-based web RPG with a sense of humor and various movie and game references that make it fit right in here at the Preserve. Sadly we had never played it, until a co-worker told us we'd love it, and seeing their fun booth was the last push over the edge.

Their display front and center was actually a great animation of those tentacles reaching out for the dude, moving back and forth and powered by a Lego Mindstorms kit, they told me! Sadly the two pics I snapped in an effort to recreate the animated properties are basically identical, so just take my word on it. They have a fun line of merchandising (where the real money from the movie is made) that goes along with their game, and I think every last piece of it was there at the show with them and is featured in our gallery. Click through to see all the pics from the KoL booth, and then sign up a new character and check it out!
Posted by charlie on August 13th 2008, 07:29 AM
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Toy Haul - hat trick

It was honestly not my intention to pull the hat trick today - I swear! Events conspired against me, or some may know me well enough to say for me such that I ended up at the three major toy retailers in town in the midst of what is a pretty heavy release season. The likelihood of finding cool stuff was greatly enhanced by the recent out of town vacation time, which meant I'd not cased the local *Marts in at least a month, which is astonishing! Sadly for the ol' cash flow, they did not disappoint, and some holes in the new fangled collection were well and truly plugged.

KMart was a particular success story, having both the new Hasbro 12-inch Cobra Trooper for less than Target (rang up for $12 somehow?!), as well as the last wave of Movie Robot Heroes from the Transformers line. I had been about to get these from in a fit of end-of-line desperation, when there they were at the usually horribly understocked BigK! To make matters considerably more awesome, they weren't entered into the computer, and as the flustered cashier tried to figure out what to do with the equally flustered manager, this guy behind me in line kept saying "They're $1.99, they're just $1.99!" and after a few moments that's exactly what they rung me up for. He flashed me a big smile and said "I better be on your Christmas card list". Sadly I have no idea who this dude was, but here is a virtual shout out to helping reduce the monetary burden here at the Preserve. KMart is going out of business anyway, and I'm clearly a person of loose moral conduct. I was also taught a valuable life lesson today about helping your fellow man, and hope that I have the chance to do the same some day in an equally depressing and poorly staffed retail establishment!

Posted by charlie on August 12th 2008, 12:35 AM
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UncleCast 21

For your listening pleasure, we've recorded, remixed and reposted the latest UncleCast - #21. This episode features our San Diego Comic Con round-up, packed full of helpful tips and tricks that only 5 days on the convention floor can earn you. Check it out for ways to maximize your trip if you're thinking of going next year for the first time!
Posted by charlie on August 11th 2008, 01:03 AM
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Indiana Jones Mighty Muggs

Several days ago, the remaining two figures from the first wave of Indiana Jones Mighty Muggs were found locally. When paired with the awesome Mola Ram (with still-beating vinyl heart accessory) that we snagged in the Beverly Hills Toys R Us, as previously reported, we at last have a full set.

There are some MM haters out there, and I honestly don't feel that the treatment works for all sorts of characters, but so far I'm really digging the Indiana Jones inspired pieces. The next wave looks to continue the win, with the real hero being the Connery we saw at SDCC. Being a packaging goon, I also love the attention to detail that the clean box art exhibits, and the giant pop-art for each character just seals the deal.

Posted by charlie on August 10th 2008, 03:35 PM
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SDCC Coverage - Continued

Slow but steady progress is being made on the tremendous backlog of great pictures and stories that we collected at the San Diego Comic Con, so make sure you visit our SDCC section frequently for new updates. In particular, I was really pleased with how well this image that I've recently uncovered worked out. It's worth clicking on the picture to be sure you see a larger version with better detail, like the bag, whip, carefully done 5-o'clock shadow, and smirk!

I think that speaks for anyone who has seen the new movie, and I thank him for his clear and awesomely delivered message!
Posted by charlie on August 9th 2008, 12:32 PM
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Target Haul

Target came through in a big way today, though it was my own fault that I was a little late in getting there! They finally restocked what was probably a single solitary case of Movie Masters figures for the new Batman line but the Joker was certainly gone when I showed up. I was still able to snag a Scarecrow which is a fantastic figure, so hey that's something! I'm sure they'll be everyplace soon but hey, small victories. They also had a restock on their Transformers Classics 2.0 figures and there were two Tankors (aka Octane) on the shelf, which had previously been hard to find around here. The last part of the successful hat-trick was a massive restock on the wave 9 GI Joe single carded figures, which hadn't been touched! Were I a troop builder I'd totally have snagged the spare B.A.T.s and Snow Serpents, but as it is I was delighted to get General Hawk to finish off the set.

These will get posted individually soon to fill out the respective areas they represent. Additionally in awesome news, I cracked open the GI Joe dvd Battle Pack 1/5 and watched the 5 part Mass Device mini-series for the first time in probably 22 years. Pretty awesome memories, and hats off to Hasbro yet again for an amazing set of a 2 hour movie, 4 figures with weapons, Timber, and a part of the MASS device - for $20! Astonishing! Everyone please go out and get a set for yourself, you can't beat it.
Posted by charlie on August 9th 2008, 12:49 AM
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GI Joe Comic Packs Wave 5

Hasbro's GI Joe line continues to be one of the hottest properties in the toy world of today, and their ongoing Modern Era line is flooding awesome product into stores. Much like the 25th Anniversary, though, it's still often pretty hard to find these products, and it is becoming more and more obvious that there will not be enough product to meet demand, so for those who want a full set you either have to resort to eBay scalping, or really walking your daily Target and WalMart beat. This morning I found myself standing with the middle-aged housewives and their small children outside of Target and I watched the sleepy worker open the deadbolt at 8am. Thankfully there were no rabid scalpers with whom I needed to have an embarassing footrace to the rear of the store, but instead had a nice stroll straight to the GI Joe section, and was floored to see that while no other products were stocked new, the wave 5 comic packs were there in abundance!

By abundance, I mean there were two each of the three new comic packs but given recent trends that wasn't bad. Collector Tip: There is a variant in this wave to keep an eye out for. Destro is packaged with either a gold or a black head, the black being the more rare of the two. It's already going for a solid premium which will only get worse, so if you are a completist, find it yourself on the pegs before you have to line the pockets of a scalper!
Posted by charlie on August 8th 2008, 12:43 AM
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SDCC Follow up 1

It is certainly bordering on entirely unacceptable that it is over 2 weeks since the San Diego Comic Con wrapped, and we have posted very few pictures or reflections from the event! Certainly it was tricky with the extended vacation, but all well worth it I believe, and now we can settled our tanned and relaxed selves back in front of the old keyboards and become pasty white and overworked once more!

So, let's kick things off with the revived coverage of the 2008 SDCC! Shocker Toys was of course at the show, as the banner we've run for over a month indicated. They had some initial shipping trouble resulting in the absence of their much anticipated Dethklok figures, but once it was sorted out on day #2 their booth was flying high! We have a gallery of their Indy Spotlight figures and some great Dethklok Shockinis, and we'll post a full review of the excellent Metalocalypse box set soon. Click the image to see the full gallery!

Posted by charlie on August 7th 2008, 12:50 AM
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Press Release - Mezco Warriors
Mezco - Warriors Orphan
Press Release - Continuing with their excellent line of 9" figures, Mezco brings us a look at another entry in their fantastic Warriors line. This first figure in the series is the leader of the Orphans, complete with straight razor! Click the link for a larger image.  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 6th 2008, 10:19 AM
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Hasbro Indiana Jones thoughts

As everyone probably gathered a few months ago, when the Hasbro Indiana Jones toys launched, we were all very excited about them here at the Preserve. This excitement has mostly kept up over the intervening days and weeks, though the line is already suffering from Mattel-level distribution troubles, resulting in no figures from either the 3rd or 4th series having found their way to the over-crowded pegs here in my small town. What did make it were the titanium vehicles, of which there are eight, and which are very cool for the most part. New info has come to light today that may help determine your purchasing and collecting plans if you are a fan of this line.

According to a recent Q&A with Hasbro, they will not be producing any further titanium vehicles for this line, unless the franchise is again revitalized with 'Indy V'. Also, they assert that they will not be making a Marcus Brody figure. Both of these bits of info seem to make it pretty clear to me that the plans of running this line for years, or at least longer than eight months, have likely fallen flat. If you're enjoying what's been released so far, you might as well go for the complete set because it looks as if it won't be much larger than it is currently. Definitely a shame, since we'd all love to see several years of figures and vehicles come from this line, but I have to predict now that it won't come to be. Get hunting for those Dr. Henry Jones figures!
Posted by charlie on August 6th 2008, 06:18 AM
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Press Release: Organic - Fumikane Shimada
Organic - Elizabeth
Press Release - Organic Hobby brings us another cool and highly detailed figure, this time from the OVA anime "Strike Witches". Click the link for more pictures and to learn more.  Read More
Posted by charlie on August 5th 2008, 12:55 AM
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GI Joe Modern Era - Barbecue

Let's continue onward through the fantastic second wave of the G.I. Joe Modern Era single carded figures, today taking a look at Barbecue!

A party animal from Boston - what better place to have a fire fighter family? Much like Bazooka, Barbecue comes with some great accessories, including his tank system and axe - good stuff. As always, click the link above for more pictures and his excellent bio!
Posted by charlie on August 4th 2008, 07:34 PM
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GI Joe Modern Era - Bazooka

The California vacation is drawing to a close, so things around here can start to get back to normal! With any luck, the numerous FedEx boxes sent from Comic Con back to Preserve headquarters will make it intact, and a great many hard-won exclusives will join the archives. Today let's start taking a look at the 2nd wave of the new GI Joe Modern Era figures, with Bazooka!

This is really a fantastic looking figure, and while the price point for this wave has jumped up to $7.99 a figure, at least you get some great and very substantial accessories. You also have to love the bright colors on the accurate outfit, definitely a great tribute figure to a very popular character!
Posted by charlie on August 3rd 2008, 08:59 PM
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SDCC - Cosplay

Comic Con is always a great place to see the best and the brightest in costumes and cosplay - they don't call it the 'nerd prom' for nothing! In fact, I hope to participate myself next year, now that a little understanding of the scope and style of the event have been determined. Today let's take a look at two more excellent costume pictures that I grabbed at the show.

The Stormtrooper holding up Bob's Big Boy is delightful, and this pic was a pretty rare one to get! While everyone makes a fuss over the 501st legion armor and their omnipresence at all of the shows, I give great props to the dude dressed in the Big Boy outfit - I've sure never seen that before so it beats the pants off of the 123,213 dude in a Stormtrooper suit!

There was a great Sarah Connor and Arnold/Terminator making the rounds, and The Uncle managed to jump into the frame with them. Look how happy he is - it's like he was instantly transported back to 1991 when the movie was first in theaters, with his favorite lines running through his happy mind. Just look at that face, it's as plain as day!
Posted by charlie on August 2nd 2008, 05:49 AM
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CA Trip - Coastal Highway

In direct defiance of the angry comment by long time Preserve reader jerry, we continue with our California trip today, including pictures that have nothing at all to do with toys and or games. Egad! Since the central organizing theme of the trip was a voyage up the famed Coastal Highway (Route 1) which, for our purposes, runs from LA to San Francisco, I wanted to at least give a glimpse of those sights. After a certain point (Cambria) the highway becomes entirely cut off from reality, and you're really committed. There is no gas, there is no cell coverage, and there are no exits other than 'scenic vista points' and beach pull-offs for about 50 miles. We certainly put the rented Prius though it's paces, but even with the 20 miles of hair pin turns and steep ascents, it got astonishing gas mileage - go figure. Here then is a shot that was not uncommon to see as you rounded a corner, time and again, on this great road.

Yes waaay down in the distance in that picture is a super awesome bridge which is the continuation of the road, Route 1, that isn't quite visible in the foreground. For all the completists out there, here's one more road shot, and we'll call it a day.

Oh, and to keep Preserve reader jerry happy, here's a little graffiti that we found on the pedestrian walk around the harbor in Monterey.

Posted by charlie on August 1st 2008, 06:49 PM
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The Bisquick Banner: March/April, 1984
The Bisquick Banner
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NASA Activities Newsletter: September, 1983
NASA Activities Newsletter
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